You can find many Amitabha Buddha Recitation audio files easily on the internet. There are many for you to download. From the time where audio cassettes are popular until this internet era, Amitabha (Amituofo) Buddha Recitation has become a very common thing in Buddhism. If you are looking for this, just go to youtube and search for it by typing: 阿彌陀佛聖號 or 念佛 or Amitabha Buddha recitation.
While looking for this, I found a version sung/recited by Andy Lau (Liu De Hua 劉德華). In fact, I have known about Andy Lau's Amituofo recitation version long ago, but I've never found it online. This time, I found it unpurposely and would like to share with you. Have you ever heard Andy Lau sing "Namo Amituofo"? Click to download huazaikuailenianmituo.mp3 (華仔快樂念彌陀).